I've been slacking on this blogging thing since we moved. So here we go! Picture overload to make up for my slacking. My plan is to blog once a week again. Here we go!...
What an amazing week we had last week, I didn't want it to end! We are so thankful that Papa Stewart and Uncle Logan were able to come visit us on St. Maarten. We love having family come visit and being able to spend some time with them. Lacey didn't really remember them much, as she was only 7 months when we left, but she grew to like Papa and Uncle. It will be fun to FaceTime with them now that she knows who they are in person.
These are a collection of pictures I texted my dad and brother each day as we counted down before their arrival. We were so excited to have our second visitors and show them what we now call home. This trip was a birthday surpass so he only found out about it a week before coming.
We were so excited for them to get here... And the time had finally come. Off to the airprt to go to pick them up. It was like waiting for Christmas
Waiting at the airport for Papa Stewart and Uncle Logan to get off their plane.
Lincoln waiting to see what Papa Stewart and Uncle Logan brought for him.
Lincoln then showed them our pool.
They found it very hot and humid here so they didnt fight the pool idea.
Lincoln would be in the water all day if we let him.
Lincoln was so happy to have them here. They were able to give him some extra attention in the water since lacey doesn't seem to like being in it lately... so I am stuck outside the pool watching Lincoln play.
We aren't sure whats happening with Lacey's hair color. In this picture is looks like my hair colour but it's more of a dirty blond.. Here eyes have also change to a browny hazel eye colour.
Our first night together, showing them the island views.
We were able to show them our back yard little lizard's we have here, the kids love chasing them and scaring them off. The best time to see them is in the early morning. They are also slower then as its cooler out.
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DAY 1: We visited Fort Louis on the french side, it has an amazing view go Cole Bay (where we live), Simpson Bay, Cupe Coy, and Marigot. You can see for miles. To get to the fort you have to go through an alley, parking lot, then up a hill with a little hike up some stairs. Lincoln loves the fort and exploring and climbing on the rocks.
My dad is also into geo caching. For anyone who doesn't know it's an outdoor recreational activity, in which the participants use a GPS reciever to hide and seek containers, called "geocaches" or "caches", anywhere in the world, even St. Maarten. There is around 16 geocaches on the island of St. Maarten. So my dad enjoyed finding some caches here while we explored the island. Our first cache we found was on Fort Louis. Lincoln got right into it, he thought we were going for treasure hunts. At the Fort Louis but dad was able to get a travel bug A Travel Bug it's a registered tag similar to a dog tag used in Geochaching. It is moved from cache to cache, with a unique tracking number allowing its movements to be tracked online. My dad was able to find around 11 caches here.
Lincoln holding the travel bug. It gets to go to Canada from here.
After the Fort we headed to the Market in Marigot on the french side just below the fort. There are lots of vendors that sell everything from souvenirs and jewelry to fresh produce. We then stopped for a cold drink at the Coconut Mans Hut.
We then hit Mullet bay beach in the afternoon. We were able to hit a different beach each day. Great place to snorkel. Warm, calm water. Yes our days were jammed pack.
Day 2: Fort Amsterdam, there was also another geo cache on this fort. Fort Amsterdam is located on the very tip of a narrow, teardrop-shaped peninsula separating Great Bay to the east and Little Bay to the west. You have to go through Little Divi Bay Resort to get tot he Fort.
Fort Amsterdam
View of Fort Amsterdam on the peninsula.
At fort Amstertdam you get an amazing view of Philisburg and where the cruise ship dock.
After the Fort we went to Little Bay Beach to cool off. Also another great play to snorkel. Josh and Logan were able to to get some saltwater goodies, sand dollars and a star fish. Lincoln loved looking at the star fish move in his sand bucket... After the beach we were able to to the Farrell's place for an amazing Thanksgiving dinner with our Canadian friends. Thanks Farrell's!!!
Day 3: We went to the board walk in Philipsburg. The board walk is a huge side walk that boarders the Great Bay beach with lots of little shops and restruants. There is also front street and back street with little shops. Lots to look out but it gets very hot on board walk... There was also 2 geo caches on boardwalk.
There was a geo cache at the court house of St.Maarten on front street.
The water is actually that blue!
Enjoying some coconut milk from a coconut that papa found. Lincoln wasn't to sure of the taste of it.
Lacey was napping so this meant quiet time for Lincoln. We made cookies that he could enjoy with Papa then they raced cars together.
We also hit another beach in the afternoon, Maho beach. Maho Beach is a beach that is famous for the St. Maarten airport adjacent to the beach. Arriving aircraft must touch down as close as possible to the beginning of the runways ue to the short runway resulting in aircraft on their final approach flying over the beach at minimal altitude.
Due to the unique proximity of low flying air planes, the location is very popular with plane spotters. This is one of the few places in the world where aircraft can be viewed in their flightpath just outside the end of the runway. Watching airliners pass over the beach is such a popular activity that daily arrivals and departures airline timetable are displayed on a surf board on mayo beach.
There is a danger of people standing on the beach being blown into the water because of the jet blast from aircraft taking off from the runway.
Maho Beach
Here's another Geo cache we found at the Princess Resort in Cole Bay. This cache was known for pirate treasure. I think this was one of Lincoln's favourite as he was able to get a pirate gun.
We also came across a golden Budda while looking for the pirate cache.
Day 4: We hit Pelican Key beach in the morning. Pelican Key is more of a touristy area with lost of resort. All beaches are public so we are allowed to use any of the beaches on the island, even though so of them are blocked off by the resort.
In the afternoon the guys went Ziplining to Loterie farm with is a natural reserve on the island on the french side past Marigot.
Sancks at the beach. Lacey loves playing in the sand, rolling in the sand and eating the sand. She also likes to walk right into the ocean/ waves. She has not fear this girl
My two sillys, they love making each other laugh. They are great little buds, they love playing together and also bugging each other.
Pelican Key Beach
Loterie Farm- Zip lining.
More pool time, between pool and the beach Lincoln practically lives in water.
Lincoln would go swimming with uncle Logan some morning before we even headed out after or even in the evenings after our long days once we put Lacey to bed. Lincoln would practice his swimming with uncle without his puddle jumper on. Lincoln is starting to feel very comfortable with staying under water for quite a while and he has started swimming on his on, about 4 feet before needing help.
Lacey playing peak a boo with Papa Stewart.
Having an evening snack of gelato at the Carousel. Followed with a ride on the Carousel. It's a fun play to visit.
Day 5: Had fun searching for the natural swimming pool with family and the Farrell's! We followed one of dad's geocache locations to get here. We had parked at the basket ball field in Pointe Blanche and did a small 30 min hike north along the coast. The geo cache online said a dog named Cara would show you the way and the dog actually showed us the way! haha... not even joking. It was pretty neat...We could also see the islands Saba, St. Eustatius, St. Kitts and St.Barts on our hike along the coast. It was am amazing view! We had tones of fun other then lincoln getting his head cut open on the rocks (4 cuts). He lost his balance and fell back. Poor guy, I felt so bad for him. We put a shirt on his head immediately with salt water. We were surprised that his cuts didn't bleed a tones. I was really surprised. They kinda sealed them self up. Someone was really looking out for my little boy that day and kept him safe as he could of gotten really hurt or could of needed stitches. But he's okay ... but says he prefers the normal swimming pool now.

View of the natural pool
On our hike there
A shot looking back from the hike we did getting to the natural swimming pool.
Swimming in the natural pool. Theres the dog Cara
Group picture with our injured Linc.
Geo cache site my dad did to cruiser point. He got an amazing view of Philipsburg and the salt pond, St. Eustatius and the cruise dock.
Day 6: Orient beach is a beautiful 2 mile stretch of beach on the french side. 2 more geo caches were found on this beach while Logan and Josh went snorkelling. We also got rained on by a huge rain storm that came through. But it was still warm out.
First geo cache found in a cave
Second geo cache found under some rocks by a lone palm tree
Find of the day on Orient beach, a 6 legged large star fish.
Lincoln and Lacey playing in the sand with Papa.
Day 7: We hit the Markets once more, then packing time came and we had to take them to the airport to say our good byes. Goodbyes were not easy, we were sad to see them leave. Its hard having family so far away. Lincoln keeps asking "why did they have to leave", "but why" and if you asking Lacey where Papa and uncle are she will go around the house looking for them. Also everytime a plane flies over head Lincoln asks if thats Papa and Unlce's plane.
Glad you were able to come visit and glad you made it home safety. Hope you can come back again. Thanks for the fun time together we loved having you here. Love you guys!