Thursday, 29 May 2014


Happy 4th Birthday Lincoln!!! I'm so grateful to have this special boy in my life and to be his mom. My little family means everything to me. I love being a mom. Lincoln has made the past four years amazing.

Lincoln loves to talk. He loves if I just listen. He loves when I cuddle him and lay in bed at night and talk about our day. He needs attention. He has an amazing imagination and loves pretend play. He loves adventures. He enjoys his walks, bike rides and swimming. He loves to help. He loves being a big brother. He loves bugging Lacey. He loves his alone time. He loves back/tummy massages.  He loves Nutella and peanut butter. He's silly, crazy, goofy. He knows how to have fun and make life happy.

Height: 3 feet 4 inches (40 inches) - 50 percentile
Weight: 30 lbs - 12 percentile
Head: 51 cm - 58 percentile

No one will ever love you the way your mother does.

We made today extra special for Lincoln as he deserves it. He slept in 30 extra minutes. 
Woke up opened present before dad was off to school. Lincoln got a spider man shirt, airplanes, dragons and blocks. Mommy made Lincoln blueberry mini pancakes, so he could dip them in syrup. FaceTimed with Nana & Papa-moto.

Then we were off to the beach. Lincoln's request was to spend his Birthday at the beach with his friends. So we headed to Mullet Bay. It was beautiful! Water was crystal clear with lots of fish swimming around us.

Lincoln had a blast playing with his friends.

After 3 hours of playing on the beach we heading home to catch dad at home for a quick lunch. We took a relaxing afternoon at home. Lincoln played with his new toys. We FaceTimed with Auntie Melissa and Abigail.

Took a Birthday snooze... Being the Birthday boy is hard work. Then Lincoln choose Donald's for supper.  Followed with more FaceTime with family, Uncle Logan then Auntie Sara, Nana & Papa Harker. Then daddy came home to give Lincoln some snuggles before following asleep.
We had a great day!

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Weekly Update: New Beach

Sunday we went for a walk and explored at Princess Port De Plaisance Resort. It's a resort thats located in Cole Bay a few minutes away from where we live.

We've been at this resort before with Papa Stewart and Uncle Logan for geocaching. On Sunday's we try to stay busy as the dads are still at school studying.

We wish we were home this week to meet Lincoln and Lacey's cousin, Abigail Jane Harker. Josh's brother Scott and wife Melissa welcomed their little girl into their family on May 21st at 3:15am? She weighted 7 lbs 11 oz. and 21 cm long. She's adorable!!! Lincoln says " She's pretty cute" and he also asked to FaceTime so he can see his cousin. He keeps asking if she will like him... Lacey pretty fond of Abigail too.... Lincoln asked this week if I ate him when he was a baby. I asked him why would he think I ate him as a baby. He said cause I was in your tummy.

Maho beach at it's glory. Tourists getting sand blasted as a airplane takes off.

Lacey is a little girly girl. She loves her jewelry, purse, and baby.

We visited the zoo this week. The peacocks were showing off their beautiful feather for us.

We also got to see the Ocelot up close, which is a very rear occurrence (top left picture). Lacey loves the monkey.

We checked out a new beach this week. It's the Simpson Bay Lagoon, on Nettle Bay.  I wouldn't go swimming at this beach as it's on the lagoon side so the water has lots of seaweed.

You can see the airport in the center of this picture. This beach is just north of the airport and across the lagoon.

 There was a park that the kids had a blast at, since they don't get much park time here.

Looking for crabs.

Looking for jelly fish just off the dock.

After the beach we went and checked out Layla's, Nettle Bay (French Side). 
It's a restaurant on the beach with a wading pool and park.
It's a fun play to hang out, we will for sure be coming back.

Island Trees:

Plus a wooden horse we found while exploring the island.

We heard this marching band at 6am in the morning then again in the afternoon. I think it was for the Memorial Day weekend. They had very loud drums they played and sang along too.

Love this quote I found.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Weekly Update: Pool N' Friends

The LDS med. wives got together this week a the most beautiful pool at Arielle Quiton's place, Rainbow Beach Club in CupeCoy. It has an amazing view of the ocean. 

The kids had a blast playing.

Eli, Lincoln and Quinn

Boys being boys. They are siting in the top part of the water falls that flows into the pool.

Lincoln and Lacey's Caribbean friends.

We go on a lot of walks. Usually 3 or more a day. We walk Josh to school each morning at 7:30am, we walk and pick him up for lunch ( it's usually pretty HOT out then), then walk him back to school after supper. We love our walks and we also get to see Josh a little bit more while doing them. On our morning walks we usually see local men out sweeping with large palm tree leaves.... We see Josh 2.5 hours a day if that. You'd think we'd get use to this medical student schedule/ life. Nope! It's still hard on all of us. We all miss each other, but I am grateful for the time we get together with our crazy Caribbean life... 

I love this quote. It makes me remember there is always something to be grateful for. Even the little time we have with Josh.

The sister missionaries teaching Lincoln's primary class.

They have been having water issues at church, with the rain we had last week caused a cracked in a pipe so the septic tank keeps over flowing, they've emptied it twice in a week and it's still over flowing.... So they've had to turn the water off at church. So no fountain for the kids to grab a drink in a hot church, no toilets other then for emergency uses, which we have to take a bucket of water to help flush the toilet. Plus they have filled the baptismal font up with water for flushing the toilets with. The font doors aren't locked. Drives me crazy a kid could drown. This would never happen back home, actually we had a primary girl go in the water before church she told her mom she wanted to get baptized.

Letter Q- Quail Quater, Queen, Quack.... We also did letter R because Lincon really insisted on doing two letters this week.

 Here's a island truck they are so small.

 Lincoln in all his glory at the Sarafina Bakery in Marigot.

The French love their bakery's.

 Everything always looks so good.

Our first family picture at Fort Louis. 

Lacey loves putting on mama's bras.

Here's Lacey's trying to escape from the yard.

The next three pictures are of Cole Bay from a different view. We drove up a steep road and there was an amazing view.

The simple things-  We finally got firm grapes at the grocery store this week :)  It's been 3 weeks since we've seen firm grapes. Lately they are soft and mushy. Needless to say we haven't benign buying grapes. So we were quit happy to see firm grapes. We take for granted the grocery stores we have back home in Canada. I look ward to the day when I can go grab everything I need at one store.

Our Zuvo UV water filter is causing issues again... So I have been boiling our drinking water again. Not Fun! But I am not willing to drink tap water that hasn't been filtered.