Tuesday, 30 June 2015


We’ve started looking for a house to buy. We are kinda picky. We want a house in a certain area with some mosts, as I want a house thats set up in such a way for my Day Home. We haven’t seen anything that has caught our eye yet.

We have no big plans for the summer as we want to keep our summer open in case we find a place that we fall in love with. We have found a lot of fun things to do right here in Lethbridge. Which has been a lot of fun as Lincoln and Lacey don't remember most of our Canada experiences from before we left as they were just too little.

 Morning run/ bike ride/ stroller ride around Henderson Lake.

 DQ Ice cream treats, yum!

Our evening fun at Galt Garden spray park. 

Lacey doesn't understand why Canada doesn't have warm water.

We are loving this Canadian summer weather. Finally reaching Caribbean winter night temperatures (26'c). Today was +33 and it was the first day Lincoln and Lacey didn't say they were cold. Well not when they were at the spray park but other then that they weren't.

 Exploring new parks around town.

 Swimming at Nana Yamamoto's pool (cow trough).

The water was pretty cold.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Change Of Plans

We've had a change of plans. Josh has made the decision that medical school isn't the route he wants to go any more. We feel that its not worth sacrifice this much family time to make a little extra money in life. Josh feels like he doesn't know his kids any more, as he never sees us. He's also so burned out and can't imagine doing this hard-core study for 6 years+, plus moving your family all over the states. We feel it is better for our family to turn to plan B. I know it sounds crazy but we feel that this is what’s best for our family. Josh is going to work with his brother doing finish work and I'm going to open my day home up again. We just need to figure out where we are going to live.

I miss the Caribbean. It’s weird. As it wasn’t a easy place to live. But our amazing friends made the whole experience worth it. We made some great memories. I’m so glad we had that crazy adventure; it’s something we will always look back on. I don't regret the move one bit. Our Caribbean adventure was so worth it. And it took two year for us to see the bigger picture.  It's so smart to see the bigger picture and make what's most important a priority. With being a med. family, we didn't see Josh as he was always gone and that's not the life style we want for our family. Family is what maters most so we want to prioritize that. I want our kids to see and know their dad. I know a child and father's relationship is important and I want it to be important in our family.

Monday, 22 June 2015

Swimming Lessons (May- June)

Lincoln just completed his 3rd swimming lessons. He keeps amazing me with his determination to keep wanting to learn more and be a better swimming. He's a pro at the front and back crawl and treading water. Lincoln passed off 'Swimmers 2' it's the swimming level for 7 year olds.

This was Lacey first swimming lessons. I know that she has no fear with water but want to keep her comfortable with water. She was so excited to be in swimming lessons like Lincoln. Since Lacey is under 3 years old a parent has to be in the water with her during her classes. Her first swimming class, she clung to me and cried. It was a gong show. Lacey is a girl who doesn't like trusting someone new.  At first she wasn't happy she didn't get a grip teacher. Her teacher was great with her and was always trying to win her over and swimming fun. Each week she would warm up to her teacher more and more. By the end she loved her teacher and was very comfortable with him and testing him. Lacey passed off ' Preschool 1'.

Lincoln with his swim teacher Carlee.

"Awesome job Lincoln, continue the hard work. Your strokes are showing great improvement! You are amazing at treading water! Remember to keep your arms straight during back crawl :) - Carlee"

Lacey with her swim teacher Mike.

" You did a fantastic job over the coarse of lessons! I was impressed with how well you could blow bubbles and how comfortable you became with putting your whole face in the water by the end of lessons :) Keep working on your floats and you'll soon be able to do them yourself! - Mike"

Lacey even got to bring her water baby to her swimming lessons.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Father's Day!

Thanks for being the best dad I could ask for, for our children. You mean the world to them. We love you so much and are blessed to have you in our lives. Happy Father's Day!

Sunday, 7 June 2015


The Rausch Reunion ended Saturday night, then on Sunday we headed to Waterton with the Harker's for a day trip. We had a great time playing by the lake, having a BBQ lunch, visiting Cameron falls, and then stopping for a ice cream.

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Rausch Reunion

We had a great time at the Rausch ( Nana Harker's side) reunion this year. It was great to see all our relatives on the Rausch side. The last Rausch reunion we were able to go to was when Lincoln was 6 months in 2010, so it had been a while. The reunion was held at the Magrath Stake Campground.

Lincoln's favorite activity was the slip n' side. We spent all of Saturday there. I don't know how his little legs just kept on going non stop. They only time he stopped was for a 15 min lunch and supper break. When the end of the day rolled around, Lincoln and Lacey were exhausted.

Lacey taking a quick cat nap while Lincoln counted down the slip n' slide with out her.

Monday, 1 June 2015

Happy Birthday! From: Family

Since we had a friends birthday party for Lincoln this year we didn't do much of a family party. We just wanted to keep it simple. Lincoln still got spoiled. From a camping birthday surprise from Nana & Papa Stewart a month early. To birthday dinner with Nana & Papa Yamamoto on his birthday. Followed by birthday cupcakes with Nana & Papa Harker and Aunt Melissa, Uncle Scott and Abigail.