Thursday, 5 September 2013

St. Maarten

Internet is back up and running! We've been here for 2 weeks now.

Our first adventures on St. Maarten, August 21- Woke up nice and early so we would be ready to make it the airport on time. Thanks to the Sala’s, we didn’t have to walk. Lincoln was a little unsure as we were packing his whole house up. But he soon got distracted when we arrived at the airport. It was finally Lincoln’s turn to go on a plane again. We’ve said good-bye to a lot of friends on Statia, and Lincoln is sad every time when he can’t go on the plane too. 

It was only a 20-minute plane ride to St. Maarten, which was nice.  On the flight over we could see Saba and St. Barts. As we flew into St. Maarten on our little 20-seater plane, you could see the gorgeous white sandy beaches. We are excited for the white sandy beaches, no more black sand destorying our swimsuits.We had a rental car waiting at the airport for us, which was nice so. Then we ventured off, having no clue where we are going. We found our place where we were suppose to be living pretty easly; other then that was no street signs on a lot of the streets... lets just say it wasn’t what we were expecting. The house was nice. But the neighbourhood was very sketchy. Josh didn’t want us to even stay there one night... That’s how unsafe we felt. We let Lacey have a quick nap in her playpen at the place, then we left. We were there for an hour. Having no clue what we were going to do and where we were going to live. Worst feeling ever, knowing you have no place to call home and to bring your family to for the night. Lets just say I was stressed out to the max. We were planning on just finding a hotel for the night, but we weren’t sure as that was going to be an expensive night on a vacation island. So here we were a family with two young children in a rental car packed full with 3 suitcases, and 3 carry ones, 3 personal items and a playpen. There was no room to move inside. From there josh drove to where he could get reception to make a few calls.
I had a friend Camille who has been on St. Maarten for almost a week already, email a few days earlier telling me of a place available to rent in her gated community. I looked at the listing online and that was it, as we thought we had a place already. So I then called the realtor that it was listed through (to rent a house here you have to deal with real-estate companies). We were able to see that place at 3:00pm, which was over 4 hours away. So we went and grabbed a bit to eat and try to pass some time. 3:00pm couldn’t come soon enough. Our appointment came and we saw the place for rent, the place is in a gated community ( Kool Baai Villa, in Cole Bay). As soon as I walked in the place, I knew I could live there. The only problem now it, that it wasn’t available till the 1st, 11 days away, as new flooring was being out in. Lucky enough our land lady has a holiday house in the same gated community she could rent to us for $70/night, until our place was ready and we could move in. We knew we would never find a hotel for that price so we took her up on that offer. We found a place we feel safe with and a place to stay till it becomes available. I can’t believe how blessed out little family is, someone was looking after us, tender mercy of the lord.

The next few days we spent learning the island. Finding grocery stores, I love them, they are more americanized here, There is Gande Marche, Costuless, Divico and Prime, but still not like back home. We were also trying to find a car to buy... and find some beaches we could have some fun at in the process.

We stayed in the holiday house for 6 nights, as our land lady is super awesome and pushed to get our house ready for us early. 5 days early! So we got moved in and settled, well as settled as you can get with only 3 suitcases. Our common saying for the 2 weeks when we were looking for something we needed is "it's on the shipment". The school arranganlly told us that our boxes were suppose to come on August 23rd then the 27th , then they said September 3rd. And they still weren't here. Finally September 4 th they arrive. But they would only let us have half our boxes. I was getting very unpatient. I just wanted our stuff. They wouldn't unload the rest of our boxes till the other students pick there boxes up. Silly thing is the boxes they were waiting to be picked up are students that arent even here  on the island yet. So no fair. So more waiting. Our boxes are on the island in the shipping container sitting at the school but we cant have them.

This is the surfboard on Maho Beach that shows you what time the planes fly in so people can get these pics --> see next pic 

It's crazy how low these planes get. Lincoln loves watching the planes come in. I have a feeling we will be doing this often.

 View of Simpson Bay

Josh and Lincoln looking into Great bay in Phillipsburg.

Visiting Fort Amsterdam

Yes... its been a long time since they have played in the sprinklers...(they dont have those on statia, becuase we were on water rations) Lacey couldnt stop laughing :) Actually it's Lacey's first time playing in a sprinkler. We will be visiting the resort again to cool off. 

It's been nice to have a week and half to try and get settled and learn the island before Josh headed back to classes. I know we are going to love living on St. Maarten. It's way more americanized but still very islandishy, the way the locals live. Josh has been back in classes for a few days now, back to long days of studying and little time with family. I feel like I'm a single parent at time. I just keep telling myself it will be worth it in the end... I forgot to mention Josh did amazing in all his classes last term.

1 comment:

  1. That's so scary that you didn't feel safe at your original place. I am so glad you found something else!
