Sunday, 28 September 2014

Someone I Love Was Born Into Heaven

"Someone I love was born into heaven", even though I never met our little one; my love for them is still stronger than ever. I am a mom of a angel.

On September 26th my life changed. I was 15 weeks pregnant. Life seems to be going well, other then I had small amount of spotting for two days. Other then that I felt fine with no cramping, so I wasn't to worried. I was able to see the OB GYN  that day, thanks to a doctor at Josh's university he  attends who had connections at the hospital. At my appointment hey did a ultrasound, baby was measuring 11 weeks and there was no heart beat...

You never think something like this will ever happen to you, but you just never know. It's hard when we don't see the big picture of things. I don't know how I'm suppose to feel. I'm sad one minute then some what okay with it the next. I know this is something Heavenly Father wanted, I don't understand why but I still miss my baby. Im glad to know one day I'll get to meet my little one... It's just hard when you have one plan in mind. Then all of a sudden things change. It's hard to change what you thought what was suppose to happen... and go on with life.

 I know I need to pull my self together and try to be strong for  my family. I still need to be a good wife and mom they deserve. We can get through this... So lately I've been giving longer cuddles at night to Lincoln and Lacey and I've been making sure that when I say 'Just a minute', it really is just one minute. I'm trying to enjoy every minute of life a little bit more. Trying to be a better mom and wife, they deserve my best. I want to be the mom and wife, I want them to remember. Being more patient, loving, caring, respectful. I need to help make life happy for them... I know over time I will feel more at peace with what has happened.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

LDS Med. Familes

These are the six LDS med. familes from AUC. We do alot with these families.

1. Maxwell's- Josh, Megan and Maddie (1). The Maxwells are from Idaho. Megan is the singing time teacher in primary. Lincoln and Lacey both really like Megan.

2. Derr's - Nolan and Emily. They are from Utah. Emily and Nolan are Lacey's nursery teachers.

3. Adam's- David, Jessica, Quinn (4) and Jane (2). The Adams are from Utah. It's great having a family with kids that are the dame age as ours.

4. Quinton's- Arielle and Mitchell. Mitchell is from Cardston, small world and Arielle is from Flordia. They would like to settle down in Canada when they are doth with med school. Mitchell is the 2nd counsellor in the Branch presidency and Arielle is in young women's.

5. Barrett's- Taylor, NAtalie, Halle (4) and Dylan (10 months). The Barrett's are also from Utah.

6. Healy's- Joanna and Austin. Another Utah family.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Weekly Update: Block 1 Exams, ICM Clinical Rotations, Eternal Summer

It was block exam week so Josh was studying like crazy once again.  Josh's highlight in his week while being lost in his textbook was.... In one of the classes that he's taking this semester is ICM, with ICM the students get experience in the St Maarten Hospital. Josh had his first ICM- clinical rotations with a ped. specialist. Josh really enjoyed this experience. ( Josh and Zara at their rotations).

Block weeks are tough on everyone. Josh is stressed out. The kids really notice that they don't see Josh, so they are whinnier and more emotional when they realize that they don't get to see dad as much. Our days just feel longer as we try to stay busy. Less family time is the down fall f med. school. I miss Josh like crazy. But we survived again.... 

Back home we hear from family that it's starting to have a coolness in the air. First day of fall was celebrated in Canada this past week.... Coolness in the air sounds amazing right about now. On our little island we have a eternal summer, thats either hot or very hot. I've been trying to teach Lincoln season's and how Canada has four season but St Maarten only has one due to it's position on the earth... Here's what we were up to these days.

Each morning as we get ready before heading out the door, this is where you will find Lacey. In the bathroom putting on her makeup (my old eyeshadows).  It's so fun watching her.

Lincoln has just started showing interest in helping Lacey get ready. So he will help apply her makeup.

If you would pop by our house these days this might just be how you see Lacey. Nude! Clothes less! Yes I have cute clothes for her that I put on her every morning. But if Lacey had a choice she's choose nothing, if you ask her why she doesn't want clothes she'd say, "Hot"! It really is just too hot for clothes these days. While Canada is moving not fall, the Caribbean's hottest months are from August-October.

 ... And here's my island boy. He's almost clothes less. This is his favourite outfit while we are at home. Underwear! In this picture above Lincoln and Lacey are playing with the shopping cart our landlord provides for us to bring our groceries from our car through the complex to our house. It also makes a great toy for hours of entertainment.

 Lincoln and Lacey got a cold this week. It wasn't too bad other then they got a runny clear nose. Plus they were more tired then normal. Lincoln would nap for an hour and still go to bed at the same time. Where when he's feeling normal a 15 min nap would usually keep him up till 9-10pm rather the his normal 7:30 bed time.

We ended our week with spending our Saturday morning at the beach. I love when it's a perfect beach day and this past Saturday was. There were no waves and the water was crystal clear. This is what i will miss about living on this island, my beach time.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014


Theres a bunch of moms on the island that out a little preschool morning for the kids on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9-11.

Top left:Lindsay Sarver( Arizona)- Gabrielle, Eva
Top right: Natalie Barrett (Utah)- Halle
Bottom left: Camille Tidmarsh ( Alberta)- Liam
Bottom right: Christine Lin (Taiwan) - Abby

Here's a few thing they children have learn.

Skeleton puzzle, skeleton dance and q-tips skeleton craft! We had a great time learning about our bones and how to take care of them! Remember to eat healthy (milk, cheese and yogurt...etc) and wear helmet and knee pads when riding a bike! We reviewed the ”Dem Bones” song for bone facts!

Healthy snack -  learning about the Body as we move on to healthy eating and the things we can do to care for our bodies. We will talked about good foods that help our bodies grow, sort items into food groups, and use our fruit sorting pie to sort out and count items and form patterns.  We'll also practiced some "exercises": jumping jacks, stretches, pushups, sit-ups, etc. We'll also talk about the importance of naps and getting enough sleep so we don't get worn down.

View From Our house

I have to saw that I love the view we have from our second floor from our house.
We need to have pal trees in Canada.

Front view to the right

Front view to the left

Master Bedroom view

My little monkey in the trees in our back yard

Weekly Update: Count Down, Creepy Crawly Things, Nasty Water

Our summer break has come to an end. It has been heavenly! We've enjoy family time,visiting new beaches and exploring the island some more. 

Three months till our island adventure comes to a end. Thats only 90 days.
 It's crazy how I miss my house, and my stuff. Somedays it drives me crazy. I didn’t think I would miss it as much as I do. Count down is on. Excitted to see all of our family this Christmas. But not looking forward to freezing.

We had a Tarantula in the house...  So I was in our bathroom up stairs and looked at the bathroom toy bin and saw a spider and thought it was real but then remember Lincoln has one plastic one so it wasn't real, but then it moved.  So it was real! I kept in in a bucket till josh got home then he killed it with the electirc fly swatter. I would have killed but he was coming home in 5 mins and I wanted to show him. Spiders don't scare me like they use to.

Then the following night I'm putting the kids to bed and I feel something on my arm. So I shook my arm to get it off. I couldn't see what it was as the room was pitch black. Josh said i was just imagining things as the spider incident happened the night before but i was positive there was something on my arm. I turned the light on to see if I could see what it was but nothing. The as I was about to turn the light off I saw a baby Centiped crawl across the floor.

Forgot to post this. Lacey having her Cupcakes on her really birthday.

Lacey is now sleeping in a big girl bed... in a double bed with Lincoln. I just feel so bad having her sleep in a play pen as they just aren’t comfy. Yes I do have a extra mattress in there, but I still felt bad.  Any way, she is loving it. They both sleep so good together.

Preschool friends playing with the parachute.

This week has been so crazy wight the spider and centipede. Then one nights I'm about to give the kids a bath I notice the water is a yellow colour. It was so nasty, needless to say they dint get baths. While in a hour the water turned a dark orangish brown. So we have been drinking bottled water for 4 days now. It just clear up but we are going to drink bottle water for a few more days then back to UV filtered tap water... I guess the reason due to the water changing funky colors is a water pipe that broke and they were doing some repairs.

Here's two pictures that Lincoln drew. He ives to draw.

This bottom picture is a letter Lincoln received from his dear friends Payton. She just moved to the island last month. Lets just say they get along very well.

Baby Harker #3

We are so excited to announce that Baby Harker #3 is coming March 2015

12 Week Updated- I have to say that I am very blessed when it comes to my pregnancies. I think I have easy pregnancies compared to other moms. My first tri-mester has gone really well. At 5-8 weeks, when I woke up in the mornings I had to eat right away other wise I felt slit nausea, but I was able to keep in under control. I just learned to wake up and eat a piece of fruit before any thing else. Other wise I felt great the rest of the day... I have felt tired till 12.5 weeks, early to bed for me most nights, Now the tiredness is gone, yay! 

The heat has been the killer for this pregnancy. When I think it can’t get any hotter, it gets hotter. I get hot flashes like when you have the flu. I was pregnant in the summer with Lacey but the Southern Alberta summer heat never bothered me, the Caribbean heat does. So we hit the pool, beach way more often  then normal and drink lots of ice water. 

Lincoln seems pretty excited that mom has a baby in your tummy. Here's a few of Lincoln's words:
 "It would be nice to have two sisters (Lacey and new baby)... or a brother and a sister. But I think I want a brother." "Did you eat the baby?" "When I was in your stomach, did i kick you? did it hurt?"

Lacey seems excited to when we are talking about it, as she loves her babies (dolls). I sometimes wonder how much Lacey understands... randomly through out the day she will point at me and say "baby".

First appointment… Well it hasn't happened yet. We have tried to go to see a doctor... three times! You don't make doctors appointments here like back home, it's all walk-in. So we have headed to the doctors office three times, when they are suppose to be open. When we are rice the door is locked with the CLOSED sign up. With a sign saying they had to closed early, sorry for the inconvenience. It drives me nuts. Josh has talked to the doctor who works through the University and she said the is is normal with how doctor operate on the island. Are you serious! I miss the health care system back home and my doctors. I know it doesn't seem like they do a whole lot at each 4 week check up. I can't wait to be back in Canada to have good access to good doctors. 3 months! I will be home at 25 weeks. So I am doing some asking around to see if there is a different doctor I could visit. I'm glad I have good pregnancy and feel great or i would be heading home early.

At 12 weeks, I have been enjoying oranges the last few nights for a snack, just like when I was pregnant with Lincoln, maybe it's a boy cause this is the same craving. Who knows.  I haven't been craving any thing else, it's more that I don't feel like things, it all depends on the moment.

Friday, 12 September 2014

Lacey is TWO!

Lacey is Lacey and she is such a special little girl. We love her so much. Can’t believe she is already two.
 I can't believe how grown up your becoming. Your adventurous, feisty, determined, independent, thoughtful and caring. You love to be Lincoln's shadow, sing-songs, spend your days in the water swimming and helping mom in the kitchen. I love you!

Lacey you LOVE to SING…. Your current favourite songs to sing are “Let it go”, “ Daddy’s homecoming”, “ Slippier Fish”, “ I'm bring home my baby bumble bee”…. You request to sing these songs multiple times a day. Singing makes you so HAPPY.

Your a girl who loves adventures and loves to take risks. Your a girl who’s not afraid to get dirty and have fun but you are also a girly girl. You love putting on makeup, playing with your jewelry, playing with dolls, and carrying your purse around.

I love how your always HAPPY when you wake up in the morning, which I love about you. You also have to eat immediately when you wake up. Your a night time cuddler, not a morning cuddler...Lacey loves tummy and back messages before bed....Lacey will sometimes be restless at night while sleeping. If I go into her room pick her up. Snuggle her on my shoulder then lay her back down after a few minutes. She will then sleep peacefully he rest of the night. 

You have a sill, goofy, little spirit about that we just love and a little laugh we adore.

I could go on and on about all things I have learned about you this year, but I want you to know that I am so thankful and blessed to be your mom. I can’t wait to enjoy the future adventures with you. I love you my sweet Lacey girl!

Favorite Books: Lacey loves listen to any book being read to her.
Sibling Love: Lacey will claw/pinch Lincoln's face when she is mad at him.
Favorite Activity: Swimming. To jump in the pool, Lacey just walks off the edge. She's always so proud of her self.
Favorite Toy: Babies. Her babies go everywhere with her.
Favorite Movie: Diego and Frozen
Favorite Food: bagels, strawberries, watermelon, yogurt and blueberries and any sweats.

Height: 33 1/4inches - 31st percentile
Weight: 23 lbs - 7th percentile
Head: 19 inches - 69th percentile

Since we had Lacey's second birthday party about a month ago when Nana- moto was visiting, we kept Lacey's birthday day simple. We had a great day, Lacey  knew it was her day. She would keep saying birthday and two.

 We went our for dinner at The Yachet Club, it's a restaurant right on the Simpon Bay Lagoon. Lacey loved it, she got a fancy drink with cherries on top. She kept asking for more so they gave Lacey a small cup full of them, she was in heaven.

  Lacey and Lincoln waiting for boats to pass by. It was a perfect way to end Lacey girls birthday.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Long Bay

We have found our favourite beach. Located in the heart of the Low Lands on the western coast of the island, Baie Longue, or Long Bay, is the first beach on French Saint Martin when travelling north from the Dutch side. One of the longest beaches on the island. It is also one of Saint Martin’s quietest beaches, with only the gentle lapping of the waves to disturb you. The sand was super soft with small rocks hidden beneath, which Lincoln loved for building sand castles with. Plus the snorkelling was amazing. We will for sure be visiting this beach again.

 Lacey's water baby all ready for the beach. Lady loves baby, she takes her everywhere.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

St. Maarten Elections

Elections just happened at the ended of August for St. Maarten. Election time isn't quit the same as back home. People who are running for island council go way out with advertising that they are running in the election. The have massive signs all over the dutch side of the island. All main roads you will see the election signs, you can't miss them. Island council consists of 15 members who are elected for a four year term. The first estates were elected in 2010, so 2014 was St Maarten second election.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Le Galion Beach

The ultimate family beach, Galion Beach is a favourite spot for local families during island festivities. Le Galion is a surfers’ and windsurfers’ paradise and is well sheltered and protected from the ocean swell by its coral reef.... We loved the beach as it it shallow quit far out so it's perfect for the kids plus there is no waves till farther out in the bay. This beach also had the perfect sand for building and castles.