My birthdays on March 17th, so I like to go all out with celebrating St Patrick's day. I love dressing the kids up in green and doing St Patricks crafts for the couple of weeks leading up to the 17th of March. It's was a fun day!
The morning of my birthday, Josh and Lincoln got up early and made me a birthday breakfast. They made green french toast, bacon and green juice. Lincoln was so excited to helping make this special breakfast. I loved seeing how happy he was. He was so proud of himself. The day then followed with a St Patrick's Day party with our day home friends. Lincoln and Lacey loved how everyone was wearing green. The leprechaun even visited our house and left some green candy.
I had a great day and I'm glad I was able to spend it with my loved ones.
Lincoln did too, after my birthday dinner we were driving home and he said "it kinda felt like my birthday too." I'm glad we could all have an enjoyable day. Lincoln and Lacey now think that I choose green for my birthday theme, so they keep talking about what color they want for the theme for their birthdays. Lucky me, I get a green birthday every year.
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