Monday, 31 August 2015

Lacey's 3rd Birthday Party

With buying a house and getting possession of it on September 1st. I didn't want to be so busy unpacking that Lacey's birthday got over looked. So we had her birthday party with friends on August 31st at Nana Yamamoto's before the September craziness began. Lacey wanted a 'Candy Elsa Party'. We had a lot of fun making candy skewers and home made suckers. Followed with CharleyAnd The Chocolate Factory movie , opening presents and Elsa Cupcakes.

Lincoln showing off his candy skewer creation.

Lacey making her suckers. We made the suckers out of jolly ranchers.
They are super easy to make 200' for 5 minutes and they are sure yummy!

The birthday girl!

The Elsa cupcakes. Lacey calls the movie Frozen, Elsa and Anna, not Frozen.

Friday, 28 August 2015

Summer Fun

We had an awesome summer. We loved exploring around southern Alberta. Finding all the fun parks around town, enjoying the heat, and just having fun together.

Finding fun parks around Lethbridge.

Trampoline water fun.

Painting with water.

More park fun.

Sunday, 16 August 2015

First After A Miscarriage

I used to hear stories of people who had gone through miscarriages and thought it was kind of sad, but not really that sad because the baby wasn't very big yet. My whole perception has changed and I understand the sting and lump in your throat that never really goes away when you think about it. Time does help, a lot, but the sadness never really goes away fully. I miss my little one that's in heaven and look forward to the day when our family can be together forever again.

Im so excited to be pregnant again but there's a feeling that isn’t merely first pregnancy jitters. No, this was my fourth pregnancy. Yet, it was my first one after a miscarriage.

It's been a year, since the tragic news of our third child’s death had come at my 15-weeks. A year ago life changed when a doppler failed to detect a heartbeat; an ultrasound revealed a body much smaller than my due date required. The doctor estimated that our baby had stopped growing at 11 weeks gestation. For four weeks. I was unaware of this. I treated myself with care, as if I was pregnant and jotted down lists of potential baby names, not knowing our little one’s tiny body had ceased to grow within mine. The miscarriage changed me. Part of that change was that it deeply altered how I now carried this new life.

The mix of nervousness and excitement I’d felt with previous pregnancies was suddenly overshadowed by a bit of fear. I realized I wasn't totally in control of this tiny life that I carry. What made it more difficult is that I hadn’t expected to feel this way. No one had warned me that pregnancy after a miscarriage would be  different from pregnancy before a miscarriage. But I quickly learned that it was. I've learned I need to trust in Heavenly Father and have faith they everything will work out.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Cousin Time

We watched Abigail one evening for Aunt Melissa and Uncle Scott. Lincoln and Lacey love cousin time, they say its always a party with Abigail. It was a warm summer evening so we thought it was perfect weather for some water on the trampoline followed with freezes.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Indian Battle Park

We had a great time going on daily outing this summer with our friends. One day we went to Indian Battle Park for a day trip. Lincoln and Lacey love waiting and watching for the trains to pass over the high level bridge. We went on a mini hike in the coulees, played at the park, had a picnic lunch and walked to the river.

Learning to play at the park with one arm.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Park Lake

We went and visited Park Lake this summer. It's a lake that I remember visiting quit often while growing up. We had a great time. Park Lake didn't pass Lacey's expectations for a beach, as the sand is more like fine gravel, so she sat on her towel for most of our time out there.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Wally's Beach

We found Wally's Beach that's only a 30 min drive from Lethbridge that passes for being a beach for us.I have to say that we all have miss our beach time on St Eustatius and St Maarten. It was so nice to be able to find a beach that the kids loved. The sand was soft and the water was a decent temperature. Wally's Beach sure made us miss the Caribbean beaches that we are use to. 

Since Lincoln has fracture his elbow, we can't go swimming, which has been hard as it's summer so we have perfected plastic wrapping it so that he can play in water and splash around, he just can't  submerge his arm in the water and swim.