Thursday 4 February 2016

2 Weeks Old

We love being home and having our family of five all together. Oliver has been enjoying being on his back. Lincoln and Lacey have been great help with Oliver and love having a little brother.

Oliver is a good little baby. He eats and sleeps. If he fuss’s it’s because he’s hungry, needs to burp or has a dirty diaper. we’ve been blessed1 he eats every 3 hours in the day, then a 2 hour feed in the evening. At night he goes any where from 3-4 hour feeds. which is so nice and once he’s feed, he goes right back to sleep.

Oliver knows how to put himself to sleep. With not being able to hold him for his first 11 days, he has learned to put himself to sleep. If he does get fussy, we can calm him down by holding his hands. As thats what we did in the hospital.

Lincoln and Lacey are adjusting very well to having a baby brother. They both were so ready for us to come home, so I think that helped. They both love helping with everything. I try to make sure they feel included as I believe that helps with adjusting to this big change in their lives and our new life with Oliver.

Lincoln loves and adores Oliver. He loves watching him and taking with him. Lincoln’s going to be a great big brother, as I already see the love he has for his little brother.

Lacey loves Oliver too. Lacey is still worried that I will be leaving again to go to Calgary, so she doesn’t leave my side. Not even to go play at Nana’s for a few hours with Lincoln.

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