Saturday 18 June 2016

Oliver's Back Update

Oliver's back has healed up amazedly well from his spinal surgery he had at one day old. After having to in the prone position for the first 11 days of his life. He was then allowed to be on his back. We thought for sure we'd have to limit the time he was on his back, but the doctors said we didn't have to. Oliver was very blessed to have his back heal up with no complications. His scar on his back is still quite red, which is known as healthy scar tissue. Oliver's plastic surgeon said over time the red color will fade to a more normal skin color. Oliver's back doesn't seem to be sore or bother him.

The bottom two pictures show how Oliver's feet curl down. They use to be more curled then they are now. But with physio stretches  that we do daily (usually at diaper changes) they seem to be a little less tight. In the bottom right picture you can see how Oliver's left leg likes to tuck up to the side. Which has also improved a bit with physio.

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