Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Surgery #3 Ear Tubes

Oliver has had a fluid build-up in his ears that wouldn't not go away. This made Oliver very sensitive to any sound. Anything from a cough, sneeze, or another child crying. When I say sensitive I mean he would cry. The Doctors also didn't want this fluid to affect hearing problems or speech delays. Oliver got ear tube put in to help allow the eardrum to equalize the pressure. Oliver was able to have the surgery in Lethbridge, this surgery seemed so easy compared to the other surgery Oliver has had. The surgery was a total of 10 mins and I was able to see Oliver in recovery after 30 mins. Once Oliver woke up from anesthetic, he was not a happy camper. He would just cry, didn't matter if I walked with him, rocked him, etc. The nurses had to monitor his vitals for the next 30 mins. Once that time was up and he was doing well, minus crying. They said we could go home if I were comfortable with it. I was so glad we had a short 7 min drive home. It was nice to be in our home where I could cuddle my baby and start the road to recovery. For the next few days Oliver was on Advil to help with a ear ache type of pain.

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