Sunday, 1 June 2014

Weekly Updated: DYI Side Walk Paint

You've  had a great BUSY week. Life is good.

- I spend a good part of the week getting ready for Lincoln's 4th birthday party. It was a lot of work but so worth it. Lincoln had a great time with his friends. Party pictures to come.

-We've also been attending SXM Med. family playgroups. It's a play group put on by some AUC (American University of the Caribbean, the other med. school on St. Maarten) med. student wives. It's been fun meeting other med. student wives and their children. These play groups will be a life saver when our friends the Sala and Tidmarsh families leave in July and August. It will be nice to have some other friends for Lincoln and Lacey for our last 4 months.

-Our student loans finally came in, yay! Happy dance! They are only a month late. It's been just a tad bit stressful... Waiting for our student loans to come in and worrying what we are going to live on.  

Decorating cookies with our friends. 

Letter S - Lacey and Lincoln loved the spider hats we made. 
The Q-Tip skeleton was also a hit with Lincoln.

Letter T - tree, tiger, trains and train tracks.

DYI Side Walk Paint - They loved painting on the sidewalk, just something different then painting on paper or doing sidewalk chalk. We spent a good 2 hours out side painting the sidewalk. Plus it was easy to make.

Here's one of our favorite snacks around here. Dipping apples in Nutella and Peanut Butter. You have to try it, it's really good. We also like animal crackers in Nutella.

Lincoln turned FOUR this week. It's crazy to think that Lincoln is four already. We love this little guy so much and are so glad to have him as a part of our family.

 With living in the Caribbean for the last 13.5 months  and being in the sun every day, we all have some good tan lines.  Lacey has Josh's skin and tans really good. Where Lincoln and I are fair skinned but I am the darkest I have ever been.

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