Crazy how another month has pasted. We've been busy with appointments with heading to Calgary twice a month, and appointments here in Lethbridge as well. It's like having a second job. These appointments keep us very busy and a little much at times. But this is our new life and we are trying to make the best out of it. Josh has been extra busy with work trying to finish two jobs up, so he's been working nights for the past two weeks. Plus he been taking time off to come to my appointments with me so he has to play catch up at work in the evening and on weekends. The Day Home is still keeping me busy in the day, along with Lacey and Lincoln. Here's a few things that we have been up to this month:
Staying busy at the Family Center while dad works late.

Lacey always knows how to make us laugh, she thought she looked pretty cool with daddy's sunglasses on.
Lincoln had another mishaps. Lincoln loves running on our main floor which is hardwood. Once he builds enough speed up he likes to slide on his knees or feet. Well this time it didn't go as planed. When he went to slide on his knees, he lots his balance and hit his chin on the hard wood floor. Poor guy! Lincoln was in a lot of pain and got a good colorful bruise for a few weeks.
Lacey is a girl who never stops moving even when she's sleeping. She's a wild one thats for sure.
Mailing out letters to Santa, can't wait to get letters back.
Lincoln and Lacey got their Santa letters on the mail! They were pretty excited to get a letter from Santa.
Lacey making her first snow man of the season. She was pretty proud of it.
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