Tuesday, 17 November 2015

OB-GYN and Fetal MRI

Meet with our OB-GYN Dr R. Chadha again. It's basically like any other pregnancy monthly check up, weight, heart rate, baby's heart rate? 150, etc. She also informed us that she wants me to be in Calgary from 37 weeks on. As they don't want risking me delivering in Lethbridge. They'd rather me be in Calgary close to the Hospital and doctors, so we get the care we need for our situtaion. She also schedule my c-section for January 21st at 9:00am in the morning. My due date is January 30th, so the c-section will be 9 days early. She wants our baby to stay in me as long as possible with out me going into labour. I had Lincoln 7 days early and Lacey 5 days early. So we will see. We also applied for the Ronald Mc Donald house, so we are waiting to see if we can stay there.

The Fetal MRI was interesting. I can't say I enjoyed this appointment. Most MRI's take 15 mins, Fetal MRI's take an hour, as they have to take more images due to the baby moving inside. Imagine being 29 weeks pregnant and having to lay on your back on a hard board, the nurse then gave me head phones to listen to music during the MRI, but the music was blaring ( and crackling from the radio station not being in tune) to drown out the loud sound from he MRI machine sound. Over time my hip, butt and lower back starting to ache, which wasn't to fun. My legs also started to be jumpy, try keeping your legs/ body still when you have jumpy legs. Let's just say I was very excited to have this appointment done. We still haven't receive more results back yet.

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