Saturday 30 April 2016

April 2016

I love being a mom to three. I love our new busy normal life. I love how Oliver has taught us so much in such a short time and how to appreciate all the little things. I feel like we have found a balance with everything and our new life. I love watching the love that Lincoln and Lacey have for Oliver.

One of Lincoln's sayings that I love.  "If the whole world was pink, it would be like Lacey was in heaven". Lincoln sure knows Lacey well and he's a great big brother to her. He sure has a lot of patience with her. Which you need as she can sure be testing at times.

Lacey and shoes. If we are out eating lunch/dinner somewhere, she has to take her shoes off. She likes being comfy when she’s sitting down. She always likes taking her shoes off almost every time we are in the van driving somewhere.

I love my boys and matching their clothes!

All ready for church. In our Sunday best.

Lacey swinging with her cousin Abigail at the park.

Our family drawing from Lincoln.

Lacey's pretty proud of her necklace holder she made with her dad, on their daddy daughter date night.

Night time snuggles.

Oliver sure looks like his daddy. He's a Harker baby for sure.

Exploring Lethbridge with a coulee walk.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Physiotherapy Updated

When Oliver was born he has slit leg movement in his upper legs. We were told that the doctors couldn't guarantee that he'd have leg movement after surgery. After sugery we saw no leg movement but after a few weeks of leg stretches we were pretty sure we saw some leg movement in his left upper leg but hereby for sure. Meet with Oliver's Physiotherapist when Oliver was 4 weeks after two weeks Oliver has some movement in his left upper thigh and foot. His toes on his left foot also aren't as curled downs my more. We havant seen movement in Oliver's right leg to just recently. Theres not much movement but theres something and also in his right foot. Oliver's left leg is usually pulled up to the side but since we've been doing stretches and exercises it comes down more in a relaxed position like his right leg. I do feel that the stretches we do each day have helped Oliver.

Our goal with Physio is to maintain a symmetrical head shape and help build a balance of muscle on both sides of his both.  We will be doing this by keeping all toys on Oliver's right side and propping his body 1/4 of a turn to help him in turning his head to the right on his own. With limited leg movement we will also be propping his legs up to encourage him to look towards his legs when he's laying on his back.

Friday 15 April 2016

Oliver's 12 Weeks

I feel very blessed to have Oliver apart of our family. It’s been an amazing 12 weeks. He brings a different spirit into the home and bonds our family. He's such a content happy baby. He’s has the best smile and loves to talk. He’s our social butterfly. I feel Heavenly Father has been close to our family watching over Oliver. For all he's been through it has gone very smoothly. It's hard will all the unknowns. I'm learning to take one day at a time and enjoy all the little things. I'm just trying to not stress about the unknowns as that's our new life. 

Oliver likes sleeping with his hands up.

Our smiley boy.

Oliver loves chewing on his hands.

Oliver wearing Lincoln's baby church clothes.

Sunday 10 April 2016

Happy Birthday Nana Yamamoto!

Happy Birthday to the most amazing woman I know!! I love you, mom!! You have the biggest heart and I love and think the world of you!! You're the true meaning of strength... You're an amazing person and I am the mother I am because of you. I am beyond blessed to have you in my life! Love you mom! Thank you for everything you do!!

Monday 4 April 2016

Mylo Clinic - 10 Weeks Old

Lacey was pretty excited that she got to come along with us to the Alberta Children's Hospital for Oliver's appointments today. Ever since we stayed in Calgary she hates leaving my side, especially when we have appointments for Oliver. She gets worried that we are going to leave her for a long time, so she was definitely excited to come up this time!

Oliver had an MRI appointment and met with his Nuersurgeon today. From the MRI it shows that Oliver's ventricles are still large but in proportion to his head size. With Oliver's soft spot still being soft and a bit sunken, the neurosurgeon wants to keep waiting to see if Oliver body can keep adjusting to producing less CFS. We will keep monitoring Oliver's head circumference and phoning the measurements in weekly with pediatrition appointments in lethbridge monthly. Our next Calgary appointments for the mylo clinic and neurosurgeon is in three months. We feel very blessed that Oliver is doing so well. 

Sunday 3 April 2016

General Conference Weekend

For General Conference I like making conference kits, that gives Lincoln and Lacey something to look forward to as 2 hours of talks can be a long time for kids to sit still and listen for. Lincoln and Lacey couldn't wait for conference to start so they could have their kits. After General Conference we had some hot tub fun.

Oliver's first hot tub experience. He didn't seem to mind it at all.