Saturday 30 April 2016

April 2016

I love being a mom to three. I love our new busy normal life. I love how Oliver has taught us so much in such a short time and how to appreciate all the little things. I feel like we have found a balance with everything and our new life. I love watching the love that Lincoln and Lacey have for Oliver.

One of Lincoln's sayings that I love.  "If the whole world was pink, it would be like Lacey was in heaven". Lincoln sure knows Lacey well and he's a great big brother to her. He sure has a lot of patience with her. Which you need as she can sure be testing at times.

Lacey and shoes. If we are out eating lunch/dinner somewhere, she has to take her shoes off. She likes being comfy when she’s sitting down. She always likes taking her shoes off almost every time we are in the van driving somewhere.

I love my boys and matching their clothes!

All ready for church. In our Sunday best.

Lacey swinging with her cousin Abigail at the park.

Our family drawing from Lincoln.

Lacey's pretty proud of her necklace holder she made with her dad, on their daddy daughter date night.

Night time snuggles.

Oliver sure looks like his daddy. He's a Harker baby for sure.

Exploring Lethbridge with a coulee walk.

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