Monday 4 April 2016

Mylo Clinic - 10 Weeks Old

Lacey was pretty excited that she got to come along with us to the Alberta Children's Hospital for Oliver's appointments today. Ever since we stayed in Calgary she hates leaving my side, especially when we have appointments for Oliver. She gets worried that we are going to leave her for a long time, so she was definitely excited to come up this time!

Oliver had an MRI appointment and met with his Nuersurgeon today. From the MRI it shows that Oliver's ventricles are still large but in proportion to his head size. With Oliver's soft spot still being soft and a bit sunken, the neurosurgeon wants to keep waiting to see if Oliver body can keep adjusting to producing less CFS. We will keep monitoring Oliver's head circumference and phoning the measurements in weekly with pediatrition appointments in lethbridge monthly. Our next Calgary appointments for the mylo clinic and neurosurgeon is in three months. We feel very blessed that Oliver is doing so well. 

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