Sunday 8 May 2016

Car Show/ Weekend Away

A much needed family weekend. Since Oliver has been born, life been busy with appointments and Josh and I both working. We decided it was time to have a weekend away. We needed to spend some time as a family of five and just have some fun together.  The weekend was perfect. We headed to Calgary Saturday morning, spent some time in down town Calgary exploring. In the afternoon we went to a Car show. Josh loved it and it was fun seeing Lincoln and Lacey enjoying it too. I'm glad we can make one of Josh's hobby's into a family activity. After the Car show we stopped at my Uncle Russ's house for my Grandma Thomas Birthday party. It was great to see all the Thomas'. After a busy Saturday we went to a hotel and had some more fun. Can't go to a hotel without water slides if you have kids. We all had fun night on the water slides and stayed up too late. We had a great weekend and can't wait to do a family weekend trip again soon.

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