Sunday 22 May 2016

May Long Camping

I love the tradition that on May Long weekend we go camping. It's something I remember doing growing up and it's a fun tradition to do with our kids. It seems like most May long weekends it likes to rain, we didn't let that stop us from having fun. We went camping to my Grandparent Stewart's land just south of Cardston, near Aetna and Kimball. We stayed in my dad's fifth-wheel, which was nice as it rained almost all three nights and we were camping with a baby. Josh's parents and Scott's family also joined us. It was Josh's parents first time taking their new fifth-wheel out camping. It was fun having so much family around. We didn't let the rain stop us from having fun. We layered up and spent most of the time outside. We went quading, played in the puddles, played games, enjoyed sitting around the camp fire. Lincoln also got to practise shooting pop cans filled with water, that looked like they exploded when you hit them. It amazed me how good of aim he has. Oliver was a champ the whole weekend. Can't wait to go camping more this summer.

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