Ever since Josh and I dated we have spent New Years Eve out at the Harker's. It's been a fun tradition we have done each year. There's always lots of visiting with family and friends, and lots of food. This year we did oil fondue, racket, mini woks and chocolate fondue. Nana & Papa Yamamoto also joined in on the fun. We really enjoyed the evening.
All the men taking part in the oil fondue.
Lincoln loved the chocolate fondue with all the fruit.
Enjoying some raclette.
Lacey loved the raclette and being able to cook her own food.
Lincoln loves playing with he's cousin Abigail and trying to make her giggle and squeal. Abigail seems to usually be more of a serious baby, so when you can get her to smile and laugh it's very cute. Lincoln has figured her out, she loves playing peek-a-boo and chasing her around the house. It's funny because Lincoln used to be the only one that knew how to make Lacey laugh at that same age.
Here's Lincoln, Josh and Abigail playing the chasing game that Abigail was squealing about.
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