Tuesday, 23 December 2014


It's funny you don't realize how great you have it till you don't. From our Caribbean adventure we gave up a lot of material items, as thats how you live on a island, it's the island life-simple life. Really you don't need these items we are just spoiled from living in Canada.

 A Dryer, oh how nice it is to have a dryer again and actually know your laundry will be dry in 30 minutes without wondering if it's going to down pour on your laundry on the line outside. Plus your laundry is actually DRY rather then you think it's dry, as it feels dry on the line till you take it inside the house. Then realize that its still a bit wet from the humidity.

A vacuum, oh it's wonderful to actually have a vacuum to clean up all that dirt on the floor. We didn't have carpet in the Caribbean but the floors still got a lot of dirt on them. Lincoln is amazed with what a vacuum does. He thinks vacuums are the coolest thing. So he's been assign the vacuuming responsibility and love it. Lacey not he other hand is not a fan of the vacuum. She will run to Nana's living room and shut the french doors to the room when we are vacuuming. She is quite scared of that thing, but I don't blame her as they are loud. This is really Lacey's first time seeing one in her life other then when she was under 6 months.

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