Monday 7 March 2016

Myelomeningocele Clinic - 6 Weeks

We had a long busy good day with all of Oliver's appointments. 

Physiotherapy - They are glad we are already seeing a physiotherapist in Lethbridge. Both physiotherapists will be working together to helping Oliver. The Physiotherapist just assessed Oliver today.

Orthopaedic surgeon- He can't predict any thing at this age as so many things can change. Can have a better prediction at 3-6 yrs, for his leg ability. They had concern that Oliver's right hip might be dislocated due to weak muscles. Oliver was sent for an ultrasound of the hip. Good news is Oliver's hip isn't dislocated. They will check its position when he's a year old.

Nuerosugeron - Oliver's head circumference is their main concern. When he was born it was in the 97 percentile and it's gone up from there. But there are no other symptoms/concerns for the need of a shunt yet like vomiting, fussy, full fontinel- soft spot, etc. They like to push the shunt surgery off as long as they can. As it's more beneficial to do the surgery when the child is a bit older. Nuerosugeron- Dr Riva-Cambrin says that Oliver's soft spot is soft and not full. That he'd like us to wait and see if Oliver's body can manage on his own before intervening with surgery. We will still monitor his head circumference and call in the numbers weekly. The plan to see the nuerosugeron in 6 weeks. Unless we have concerns come up before hand.

Urology- Where Oliver's lesion was it can affect his nerves that go to his bladder. The ultrasound showed that Oliver's kidneys are beautiful, bladder is doing everything it's supposed to. Bladder lining is normal thickness. If a bladder isn't functioning properly if can get thick also causing the Kinsey's to enlarge. Next appointment in 3 months, if ultrasound is good then next appointment in 6 month, then in a year.

We got lots of good news today. With Oliver not having to have surgery this week, wasn't quite what we expected. But we know that Oliver has a good group of doctors looking after him and know what's best for him.

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