Sunday 15 January 2017

January 2017

Life seems to be so busy these days. I've have come to the understanding that life is always going to be busy and I just have to get use to it as thats life. There are a few things that have changed for our family. Josh is back at school ( I'll explain in a later posts), so he's been studying like crazy again. I've been married to a student for 7 plus year out of the 9 we have been married. You would think that I'd be use to it by now, which I am, well kinda, but life just busier with the more kids you have (me being a stay at home mom) and I'm still working 50 hours a week (I have my own day home). So lives busy for our family and we make the best out of it. I feel very blessed that I have the job that I do, where I can work from home to support our family and still be with my kids all day. Some days I don't know how I do it, but I just do. Lincoln, Lacey and Oliver love all of our Day Home friends that come each day.

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