Monday 9 January 2017

One Year Myelo Clinic

 Lincoln and Lacey having fun at Nana & Papa-moto's house while we take Oliver to Myelo Clinic. Thankful to have family so close to help.

Oliver was able to meet one of Spina Bifida friends Brooklyn while we were at the Myelo Clinic. We love meeting other Spina Bifida families that are on this same journey. 
Oliver - 1 yr, Brooklyn 7 months.

For Oliver's 1 year checkup he had an MRI done and it showed that his ventrals have gone down. Meaning the shunt is doing what it's supposed to be doing. Yay! Nureosuregeon is happy, so I'm happy. Oliver's bulge also went down at 9 months meaning his skull has fused to his shunt tubing.

Here's Oliver's MRI results. Right - 6 month MRI. Left - 1 yr MRI. The left picture shows how Oliver's ventrals have been able to go down due to the help of his shunt.

He got X-rays of his spine and hips. His hips aren't dislocated which is common, so that's a big happy moment for him and us. Spine has no scoliosis but there is slight kyphosis of the lower back. Which should correct itself with more sitting. With physiotherapy we are going to be working with a standing frame in the next few months to see if we can get him standing or bearing some weight. To do that he will be getting some fitted foot splints (AFOs... still not sure what that stands for). We will be also working on getting him rolling more on his own too.

He also got an Ultrasound of his bladder and kidneys. All seems well and good. 
Was a very positive trip this time around, he's progressing in the areas he needs and getting stronger in a lot of the areas he was weak in. We are all happy with his progress and look forward to continuing his change and growth.

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