We had a great, fun, busy week. Tuesday morning, we had another flat tire. This is a common thing on the island as the roads are in such bad shape so we weren't able to go to the zoo with our friends like planed. Lincoln and Lacey both weren't happy, they were both in tears. But I couldn't do anything about it till Josh got home.
Instead we went to the bakery and got some doughnuts until Josh was done his exam. We walked to the university after the bakery and waited for Josh to be done. Josh was done shelf exams on tuesday morning at 11am :) Then we went and got our tire repaired and we were ready for our 3 weeks break with Josh. Love semester breaks. We were all in need of this break.

Letter L & M
Lacey has been able to have nap time with dad in Lincoln's bed. Lacey loves napping with dad plus sleeping in Lincoln's bed. Win-win for Lacey!
Lacey loves singing songs. When I'm singing a song she will try to sing along with me, its so cute. Lincoln is pretty much night trained. It will be so nice not having to buy $30 worth of Pull-Ups each months... I've been wanted to night train Lincoln for a while and have been waking him up at night right before I go to bed and take him to the washroom but he would still wake up in the morning wet... One night I for got to put a Pull-Up on Lincoln and he woke up dry, I was so proud of him and he was also so proud of himself so we just kept going along with no Pull-Ups. He's been doing great!
On Wednesday evening we attended the 5th term Grad Night. It was a causal and short ceremony to celebrate with the 5th term students who will be going on to write the Step 1 exam then onto clinicals.
( Above picture is of the 5th term graduating class)

It's been nice having beach time as a family.
It's also been nice having Josh home in the evenings. Once the kids go to bed I'm not alone each night. It's wonderful! I have company and someone to watch shows with me :) As it can sure get lonely in the evenings. One thing I miss here is my hobbies that I could do in my spare time and I couldn't bring most of them with me. Good thing I have to blog to keep me busy some of the time.

On Friday we showed a student Josh goes to school with Roy, Fort Louis. Most student don't explore the island much or go to the beaches. Roy was also staying for break so we showed him around for a bit. When we arrive at the base of the fort there was this Catholic church group having a ceremony for Christ's death. They carried a large cross up the hill we climb to get to the fort while singing a song.

Then we went to check out the La Bella Creole Resort Ruins on Nettle Bay on the french side of the island just west of Marigot. It was a resort that got hit by the 1995 hurricane. I will for more pictures of the Ruins in the next post.

Friday night we went to Maho Village for a family night. It's a night where locals set up table to sell their hand crafted items. The Easter bunny was there, face painting, cotton candy, bouncy castle, and ice creams. The kids had a bast!

Saturday we went to the Marigot fresh market that is held every Wednesday and Saturday.
It reminds me of the farmers market from back home with all the fresh produce.

The fresh market also fish, lobsters, beef, pork, chicken.....
You usually only see locals buying the meet.

They descale and gut the fish right on the side of the road.
It was really neat to see how the fresh markets are done here.
Lincoln that it was fascinating.
Instead we went to the bakery and got some doughnuts until Josh was done his exam. We walked to the university after the bakery and waited for Josh to be done. Josh was done shelf exams on tuesday morning at 11am :) Then we went and got our tire repaired and we were ready for our 3 weeks break with Josh. Love semester breaks. We were all in need of this break.

Letter L & M
Lacey has been able to have nap time with dad in Lincoln's bed. Lacey loves napping with dad plus sleeping in Lincoln's bed. Win-win for Lacey!
Lacey loves singing songs. When I'm singing a song she will try to sing along with me, its so cute. Lincoln is pretty much night trained. It will be so nice not having to buy $30 worth of Pull-Ups each months... I've been wanted to night train Lincoln for a while and have been waking him up at night right before I go to bed and take him to the washroom but he would still wake up in the morning wet... One night I for got to put a Pull-Up on Lincoln and he woke up dry, I was so proud of him and he was also so proud of himself so we just kept going along with no Pull-Ups. He's been doing great!
On Wednesday evening we attended the 5th term Grad Night. It was a causal and short ceremony to celebrate with the 5th term students who will be going on to write the Step 1 exam then onto clinicals.
( Above picture is of the 5th term graduating class)

It's been nice having beach time as a family.
It's also been nice having Josh home in the evenings. Once the kids go to bed I'm not alone each night. It's wonderful! I have company and someone to watch shows with me :) As it can sure get lonely in the evenings. One thing I miss here is my hobbies that I could do in my spare time and I couldn't bring most of them with me. Good thing I have to blog to keep me busy some of the time.

On Friday we showed a student Josh goes to school with Roy, Fort Louis. Most student don't explore the island much or go to the beaches. Roy was also staying for break so we showed him around for a bit. When we arrive at the base of the fort there was this Catholic church group having a ceremony for Christ's death. They carried a large cross up the hill we climb to get to the fort while singing a song.

Then we went to check out the La Bella Creole Resort Ruins on Nettle Bay on the french side of the island just west of Marigot. It was a resort that got hit by the 1995 hurricane. I will for more pictures of the Ruins in the next post.

Friday night we went to Maho Village for a family night. It's a night where locals set up table to sell their hand crafted items. The Easter bunny was there, face painting, cotton candy, bouncy castle, and ice creams. The kids had a bast!

Saturday we went to the Marigot fresh market that is held every Wednesday and Saturday.
It reminds me of the farmers market from back home with all the fresh produce.

The fresh market also fish, lobsters, beef, pork, chicken.....
You usually only see locals buying the meet.

They descale and gut the fish right on the side of the road.
It was really neat to see how the fresh markets are done here.
Lincoln that it was fascinating.
We got to experience our first earthquake on Saturday April 19th at 3:31pm. The earthquake with magnitude 5.0 and 52 km in depth. It occurred 37 miles (59 km) east of Philipsburg, Sint Maarten, Netherlands Antilles. We actually didn't even knew it happened till 4 hours after when a friend asked us if we felt the earthquake... At the time of the earthquake we were at Maho Beach watching the planes come in. Lacey loves the planes, she gets overly excited watching them come in and take off. So with the planes rumbling the ground as they take off we didn't even noticed there was an earthquake. Most of our friends we have talked to felt it in their homes or on the beach. We kept checking that night and the following day, online to make sure there was no tsunami warnings. We are all good and safe...Fun facts: The Caribbean and Central America had: (M1.5 or greater)13 earthquakes that same day and
- Saturday night we went to a Circus that was put on at the Blue Mall. It was an amazing kid circus that was an hour long, plus it was free. The kids loved it and Josh and I were amazed at how good it was. There was a magic show and acrobatic performances.
69 earthquakes in the past 7 days.
Easter Crafts!
We got together with the Sala's and Roy (student) for Easter dinner on Sunday. Claire and I pulled off a great dinner or so I thought. We had a great night, with great friends, food and games. The kids played so well together that the adults we even able to play a whole game of phase 10. We had a great Easter even though we were away from family.
We had a great Easter! The Easter bunny found us down in the Caribbean.
The kids loved Easter morning.... The Easter bunny left a few eggs on Lincoln's bed, Lincoln opened the plastic eggs and ate the chocolate in them when he woke up then came out of his room. I asked him "how he was?", he acted normal like he never ate anything from his room. Little turkey! Then I asked him "if he found a egg?" and "who he thought it was from?", then he clued in that it was that the Easter bunny had come. They both had a blast looking for all the eggs hinden all around the house.
They both received new friends, Lacey's cat and Lincoln's frog.... It's so fun being a parent to these two. I love them so much, they make life so much fun.
Happy Easter!
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