"Choose to be GRATEFUL. No. Matter. What." - Dieter F Uchtdorf. I love this quote! Helps me realize that there is aways something to be grateful for, even in challenging times. I find I have way more challenging times here on our adventure then living back home. Island life isn't always easy as you would expect. But I am thankful for the opportunity my little family has to live on a small island in the Caribean for 20 months. I know I have grown from our experience here so far and we've made some great memories.
We had a good week. We stayed very busy again. We are always busy. I'm a person who can't stay in our house all day, i'd go CRAZY if we did! That's why we go on a outing almost every day. Plus it make the time go by faster. So most days we end up being busy, which I love.

We visited the Nature park this week, it reminds me of a farm back home. It's like a glorified petting zoo, the kids love it. It's located in Cay Bay right beside the ocean. Lincoln found some spoiled eggs, he thought those were pretty neat. They have everything from sheep, goats, pigs, turkeys, geese, ducks, ponies, horses and cows.

We visited the Nature park this week, it reminds me of a farm back home. It's like a glorified petting zoo, the kids love it. It's located in Cay Bay right beside the ocean. Lincoln found some spoiled eggs, he thought those were pretty neat. They have everything from sheep, goats, pigs, turkeys, geese, ducks, ponies, horses and cows.
We usually go to the public library every 2 weeks. The kids love going. It's nice to have some different books to read since we didn't bring many books with us. The library has a big children's section ( top left and center picture), a reading area (top right picture) and a children room (bottom three pictures). The children's room is a closed off room with A/C, where the kids don't have to be so quite.
We hit a park one morning. I've said before that there are no public parks on the island, which there aren't. We've found a park at a school in Simpson Bay that leaves their gate open most of the time so we go there. I miss our parks back home.
After the park we hit Maho Beach to watch some planes come in. Watching planes here never gets old. Watching the planes come over Maho Beach and land on St Maarten is so fun, way better then the Lethbridge Air show by far. There was also a marching band at Maho Beach which was fun to watch.
Pool time is almost a daily thing these days with the summer temperatures coming. Fun times with friends and dad. Josh took a quick break after one of his block exams this week :) Then back to more studying.
Visiting dad at school with friends.
We were able to see the Easter bunny at KimSha Beach sunday night. Lincoln was so excited and loved ever minute of it. Lacey on the other hand wanted nothing to do with him. Each child got a ring pop and a hola-hoop or a little instrument .
Letter K: Kangroo, King, Kite
Lincoln's drawing from his church lesson.
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