Thursday 21 July 2016

Oliver's 6 Months

It's been an amazing 6 months with this sweet little boy. We love him so much.  He brings a special spirit to our home. There's so much we can learn from him, he's always happy no matter what. Even after his shunt surgery, he still had a smile.  He loves being around people and especially loves when someone will talk to him. He is really starting to babble and says ma ma and ba ba. As you can tell from his weight he loves to eat. Oliver also loves chewing on his hands, toys and blanket resulting in a drool fest. He reminds us of a bull dog. Still no sign of teeth yet. Oliver is also a blanket boy, he loves soft blankets and when he's tired he likes to pull them up to his face and rub it into his face, its so cute. 

For Oliver's 6 month immunization he CRIED! I was so happy. I know normal when your baby cries from their shots you are happy about it but for a Spina Bifida mom it's a BIG DEAL. Spina Bifida kids aren't suppose to have feeling in their legs. For Oliver's 2 month shots he didn't even flinch or cry. For his 4 month shots he didn't cry but he tensed his legs. Then for his 6 months shots he cried. Meaning he has some feeling in his legs. I'm so happy for this. I know he doesn't have normal amount of felling but there's something.

We've introduced solids to Oliver and he loves them. He just has a hard time keeping the food in his mouth when he smiles.

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