Wednesday 13 July 2016

Programable VP Shunt Surgery

I laid Oliver in the nuerosugerons arms today. Which was so hard even though we knew Oliver needed this surgery, and would only benefit from the procedure. It's just hard feeling so helpless. Then you wait for what feels like forever in the waiting room. Oliver's shunt surgery went well. Doctors said he did well and will be on the mend the next few days. He's sleepy and resting.

We had a good night last night. Oliver was able to rest well and not be nauseous which is a common side affect with the meds he's been given. He's back to eating his normal amount, which is great because that puts him one step closer to being able to get the IV out that he's been trying to pull out since he woke up! He's rested lots today and we got lots of snuggle time in. Through out the day we have noticed Oliver is more himself, which we love. He went for an MRI this afternoon to see how his ventricle are draining. Everything is looking good so far and Dr. Hader is happy with his MRI results. So it looks like we will be coming home tomorrow if all goes well through the night.

Oliver still continues to do well so he got discharged today! Yay! We have already noticed him returning to his old happy self.  

Josh and I want to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers in our behalf. We feel your support and couldn't do it without you. We feel so blessed to have such an awesome support group of friends and family. Thank you so much!!

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