Nana & Papa Yamamoto arrived December 22, 2 1/2 hours past their scheduled arrival time due to a huge snow storm (freezing rain) that hit Toronto. They were lucky they were only 2 1/2 hrs delayed, a lot of flights were delayed days as parts of Toronto had no power for a week. We were glad they made it safe and sounds. Lincoln and Lacey were in heaven to have 2 Nana and 2 Papa's here.
Pictures count down I texted each day. It was a bit hard sending the count down for Nana & Papa Yamamoto, when we were already busy with Nana & Papa Harker and Aunt Sara here.
Since there was a 2 1/2 hr delay Lincoln got to go to the Movie theatre with Nana Harker and Aunt Sara and watch he movie "Frozen". Josh and I stayed home to get some things done, the whole time we thought Papa Harker was at the movie too, nope we were wrong, he was back at the holiday house napping all afternoon.
Both kids were tired as it was Lacey's bed time when we went to the airport, but they was still excitement.
There isn't many things you can do on the island thats not outside, so we were limited on what to do so we did some wooden crafts that Nana Yamamoto brought for Lincoln while Lacey napped. These crafts are from Home Depot back home. Home Depot offers a wooden kid craft the second Saturday of every month, but since we have moved here we have really missed doing them so my mom has been going to Home Depot on those Saturday's and picking up Lincoln a craft, she then saved them and brought them with her... Lincoln was in heaven new craft to do and being able to do them with two Papa's.
Wooden Helicopter
Wooden Boat
Once Lacey woke up from her nap and it was still raining so we decided to go to the Blue mall for a bit as it down poured.
Fun Christmas pictures at the mall.

Have you ever heard of a budha hand fruit? I sure haven't till this shopping trip. I have no clue how you eat this fruit but it sure looks funky. It's like a alien hand or something.
Lincoln trying out his new snorkel and goggle he got.
Lincoln and Nana Yamamoto baking Santa cookies.
My mom got to experience what baking is like here. It's nothing like back home, I don't know if it has to do with the humidity or what. But it sucks! Nothing turns out and you are sp hot by the time your done.
Game time!

Lincoln playing Christmas games that Aunt Sara brought for him.

Baie Rouge Beach
This is what Christmas Eve looks like in the Caribbean. We were wearing our swim suits and were BBQing. It was wonderful but sure didn't feel like Christmas Eve.
Lincoln is at a great age for Christmas, he was so excited for Christmas morning and for Santa to come. Lincoln got tractors, planes, super heroes, play mobil pirate ship, a kit and books.
Lincoln and Nana.
Then the dreaded afternoon came and it was time for the Harker's to leave and for us to say our goodbyes. Good byes sure don't get easier.... We had an awesome 17 DAYS with them, great MEMORIES were made in the SUN, our days were BUSY, a nd we had tone of ADVENTURES, we had a wonderful CARIBBEAN CHRISTMAS with family and we didn't want it to end....but it did. We miss them a tone. This Christmas visit was the last time we get to see Aunt Sara before she leaves on her mission. We are glad we were able to have this time with her and for her to see where we live. Lincoln and Lacey love bonding and building the relationship they have with Aunt Sara.... Thanks again Nana & Papa Harker and Aunt Sara from coming to visit and for the gifts you brought and how you have helped us out. Thanks again! See you soon.
Since there was a 2 1/2 hr delay Lincoln got to go to the Movie theatre with Nana Harker and Aunt Sara and watch he movie "Frozen". Josh and I stayed home to get some things done, the whole time we thought Papa Harker was at the movie too, nope we were wrong, he was back at the holiday house napping all afternoon.
Time had finally come and we were all off to the air port. We have never seen the airport so busy. Lots of people had the same idea of coming to some where warm for the holidays.... Yes we brought our white board welcome sign even though a security guard told us we couldn't last time. I needed a picture with it for Nana & Papa Yamamoto.
One of Lincoln's friends back home in Canada from Nana Yamamoto's day home sent a christmas gift. Lincoln loved it. It fun since Lincoln still keeps in contact with his day home friends from when we face time Nana, he also get to talk to his friends.
The next morning we headed to the beach. It's the best way to spend the day in this heat. Good thing we did the beach in the morning because by noon it began to rain. Caribbean rain usually a down pour for 10-30 mins then its hot and humid. But not for this afternoon, it poured all afternoon.
Lincoln loved all the help he could get with making sand castles.
Wooden Helicopter
Wooden Boat
Once Lacey woke up from her nap and it was still raining so we decided to go to the Blue mall for a bit as it down poured.
Fun Christmas pictures at the mall.

Have you ever heard of a budha hand fruit? I sure haven't till this shopping trip. I have no clue how you eat this fruit but it sure looks funky. It's like a alien hand or something.
Lincoln trying out his new snorkel and goggle he got.
Lincoln and Nana Yamamoto baking Santa cookies.
My mom got to experience what baking is like here. It's nothing like back home, I don't know if it has to do with the humidity or what. But it sucks! Nothing turns out and you are sp hot by the time your done.
Game time!

Lincoln playing Christmas games that Aunt Sara brought for him.

Baie Rouge Beach
This is what Christmas Eve looks like in the Caribbean. We were wearing our swim suits and were BBQing. It was wonderful but sure didn't feel like Christmas Eve.
Lacey was right in to the present opening this year. Lacey got chunky beaded necklaces, a water baby, hair pretty's, a tea set, Pony's, books and a stroller.
Lincoln is at a great age for Christmas, he was so excited for Christmas morning and for Santa to come. Lincoln got tractors, planes, super heroes, play mobil pirate ship, a kit and books.
It was nice the kids still slept till there normal time that they wake up at, which is 7am, so that was nice... Once all their presents were opened, lincoln got a real sad face and I asked him what was wrong and he said" I want Christmas back".
We went to Fort Amsterdam and the beach by 10am or so. Fort Amsterdam is the fort that looks over Great Bay where the Cruise ships come in.
Harker group picture.
Nana & Papa Yamamoto
Lacey and mom watching people snorkel below in Little Bay.
Lacey loves her daddy time, she's a daddy's girl.
Lincoln loves his new tractors for playing in the sand.
This was a perfect Christmas day, just wish the rest of our family was here. We spent 6 hours at the beach.
Two papa's to play tractors with.
This boy loves the beach! Playing in the sand/ water, riding the waves and getting all sandy.
He's usually covered in sand from head to toe by the time we are ready to leave.
Lacey is the same way as Lincoln. She tries to follow Lincoln around and do exactly with what he is doing.... An other thing about Lacey is she is saying Papa now. It is so cute! When she says Papa she whispers it. I don't know why but thats how she says Papa.
We spent the morning exploring the island some more. Oyster pond is on the east side of the island, half on the french side and half on the dutch side. It's a beautiful place to visit.
A local man had this table sent up just north of Oyster Pond, near shell island (I'll post about shell island in a future post). He was showing all the neat sea creations you can find around the island.
Then the dreaded afternoon came and it was time for the Harker's to leave and for us to say our goodbyes. Good byes sure don't get easier.... We had an awesome 17 DAYS with them, great MEMORIES were made in the SUN, our days were BUSY, a nd we had tone of ADVENTURES, we had a wonderful CARIBBEAN CHRISTMAS with family and we didn't want it to end....but it did. We miss them a tone. This Christmas visit was the last time we get to see Aunt Sara before she leaves on her mission. We are glad we were able to have this time with her and for her to see where we live. Lincoln and Lacey love bonding and building the relationship they have with Aunt Sara.... Thanks again Nana & Papa Harker and Aunt Sara from coming to visit and for the gifts you brought and how you have helped us out. Thanks again! See you soon.
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