Friday 1 January 2016

36 Weeks!

I forgot to take a 36 week picture, so heres one from 37 weeks.

How Far Along? 36 Weeks

Baby Stats: Baby weighs about 6 lbs 11 oz. Which mean this little guy is bigger already then Lincoln and Lacey were at birth. Which is actually a good things as baby's in surgery do better when the are bigger. 

-Lack of appetite, I’m not feeling sick at all I just don’t really feel like eating every three hours like before. 
- This has been my hardest pregnancy so far both emotional and physically. I’ve been very blessed to have good pregnancy with my first two. This pregnancy has gone well too, but there has been the added stress. Starting at 32.5 weeks, I started having pelvic pain, it’s better if I stand. Tried sitting for an afternoon and was in more pain then if I stand and sit for 5-10 mins every so often. At Week 35 I also starting having pain at night when I sleep, where before I was able to find a comfortable position.  I feel this pelvic pain is due to the baby's position and being in the same breach position for so long, putting more pressure in the same place. 
-The doctors suggested for this pregnancy that I should keep working out to a min. / low impact, other then walking or biking, I believe has played a roll in how I feel physically. I feel so out of shape.
-Knowing that this little guy is 6 lbs. 11 oz. is easy to believe because he’s definitely running out of room in there, I feel like I’m about to burst. Especially in the last few weeks.
- I’ve also been more emotional these last few weeks. I feel like these are so many things running through my mind as it gets closer. Making me more emotional. One of the hardest things I’m dreading is leaving Lincoln and Lacey in Lethbridge and being apart from them for so long.

Big Sister:  Lacey loves playing with her dolls, more then normal lately. She also has been putting her baby's under her shirt. It's so cute! She also goes around saying " baby comes after Christmas, Christmas is gone so baby's coming really soon."

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