Friday 29 January 2016

Day 7 of Recovery - Friday

With Spina Bifida no two cases are alike. A child on paper could have the exact same condition as another but they will end up having their own different unique battles in life. The unknown is hard. For me, one who stresses about everything, and is a planner, its hard not knowing what's going to happen in the next week, month, year, etc with Oliver. As I keep in contact with other families with children with Spina Bifida, I realize the fight doesn't end. You never know when your next surgery may happen. You don't know what the physical abilities your child will have or have to overcome until you reach that point in their life. The only things you can do are pray, have faith and most important, enjoy your little one. I love that he has taught me to appreciate all the little things in life. Oliver is such a blessing to us! He is our tough little guy and a fighter.

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