Monday 18 January 2016

Lincoln and Lacey's Second Week

It was hard saying by to Lincoln and Lacey, but it helped that Nana-moto had a fun minion day home party planed for the Monday. So that helped them keep them stay busy and have lots of fun with their day home friends. Plus Nana planed a busy week with them and kept them very busy from baking to going to the library.

We told Lacey only 5 sleeps till then you can see mom and dad again, she told us 5 sleeps is to long. Poor girl! I love having Lacey by my side each day. She holds a special place in my heart.

Thanks Nana & Papa Thomas for driving Lincoln to school and picking him up each day.

Party Day!

Baking with Nana Thomas

Snow fun with Nana-motos day home kids.

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