Monday 25 January 2016

Day 3 of Recovery - Monday

Oliver is going to change our lives more than we can ever imagine. I believe that God has a plan for our lives and that we all have different missions to fulfill on this earth and he is in control of it. My heart is bursting with love for Oliver. Every baby is different and has different struggles in life, Oliver's are just a little bit more noticeable. What breaks my heart is that he has to go through surgeries and pain, when I wish I could just take it all away. He has siblings, parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents that all love and adore him. He’s going to have to endure some struggles, but I know with faith and prayer Josh and I can be strengthened and prepared to be the parents that Oliver will need in his life. We just need to move forward with faith.

Today we worked on pain management to help Oliver be more comfortable from his spinal surgery. Oliver also get to start on newborn feeds, where we can feed him when he wants, and not on a strict schedule.

Oliver also got a MRI today and it shows his ventricles are the same proportion as his Fetal MRI (6 weeks ago). So that's good. They are still enlarged but it can take time for them to go down. (They sedated him with a nose mist, he just slept through the whole test. There is no need for a shunt right now. (Yay!!). We just have to keep watching his head circumference each day. The nuerosugeron will check Oliver each day to keep things in check.

This  picture shows off Oliver's NICU hair cut, that they did to try to head an IV in his head.

Oliver just got back from his MRI in this picture. The yellow things on his ears are baby ear muffs to help cover the loud sounds from the MRI machine.

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