Tuesday 19 January 2016

Counting Down The Days Till It All Begins

On Monday we attended a c-section class at the Foothills Hospital that our doctor wanted us to attend, even though I've already had a c-section before. Most of the things that were discuss we already knew but it was still helpful. Attending the class made it all feel that much more real and that my c-section is a lot closer then I thought.

On Tuesday I had my last OB-GYN and ultrasound. Crazy to think! Baby estimated weight is 7lbs. 14 oz. He seems good other then the ventricles in his brain are getting bigger, so his poor brain is getting squished, meaning he will need a shunt after he's born and after he has his spinal surgery. But everything is looking good as it can.

Crazy to think that it's two days till we get to meet our little one in person. I can't wait, I'm so excited and so ready to meet him. I enjoy being pregnant but Im ready for the next adventure to begin. I'm still very nervous for the c-section and for all the unknowns that lie ahead of us with a baby with Spina Bifida.  Just trying to have faith, that all things will work out.

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