Monday 11 January 2016

Ronald McDonald House

Our doctors originally wanted us to move/ live in Calgary from 36 weeks on. But after talking with our doctors, they said it would be okay to move up at 37 weeks instead.  We just felt that with two kids back at home that 36 weeks was a bit early, plus I've never gone into labour that early before, or had any pregnancy complications and trying to stay sane and not go crazy for that long in Calgary before baby was born would be harder. The doctor don't want me to deliver in Lethbridge, as the Lethbridge doctors aren't prepared enough for baby's with Spina Bifida, so the baby would have to be air lifted to Calgary if it was born in Lethbridge. It's just safer for baby and I to be in Calgary early to avoid a c-section in Lethbridge.

I was 37 weeks on Saturday January 9th. We were suppose to come up then, but Josh and I pushed coming up to Calgary to Monday January 11th. As we still weren't into the Ronald McDonald House. We wanted to spend as much time with Lincoln and Lacey as possible before leaving. We headed to Calgary Monday morning with he plan to stay at Josh's cousins house for the first 3-4 days with the hope of getting into the Ronald McDonald House.  With only being at Josh's cousins house for a few hours we get a call from the Ronald McDonald House saying we got in. We were so excited to hear this! What a relief not having to worry about where we will be staying for our time up in Calgary. Josh's cousins did offer for us to stay at their place the whole time but I would feel bad to stay at someones house for such a extended period of time and really not knowing how long we would need to stay. We feel very blessed getting into the Ronald McDonald House.

The Ronald McDonald house, isn't that easy to get into. You can apply to stay there, then your put on a waiting list. The Ronald McDonald House has 24 rooms and a need for 80 at one time, so its pretty hard to get into. Once you're put on a waiting list, you wait for a room to come available. When a room comes available they then priotized the families on the waiting list. So we are happy to have been chosen to come into the house. It takes a lot of stress off in this high stress situation we are in.

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